An Incredibly Dangerous Tag-Team Duo

There are two ingredients that seem to be perfectly engineered to prevent our cells from functioning the way they should. Often, appearing in the same foods together, as a dangerous tag-team duo.  They have replaced the nutrient-rich ingredients in the foods we would otherwise be eating. One of these is the perfect brain-eating toxin, that promotes brain disorders both directly and indirectly by impacting many bodily systems. The other disrupts normal hormonal function and the basic cellular functions in ways that greatly accelerate the shortening of our Telomeres (aging process).  Have you guessed at what both or just one of these two ingredients are yet? Yes, you have guessed right, they are Vegetable oil and Sugar.

We’ve Been Duped

This week, in part one, lets discuss how this toxin known as Vegetable oil has been a silent but artery inflaming killer. We have been told our entire lives (until now) vegetable oils are not just a healthy option, but thee healthiest option. It even sounds like it’s healthy, right. I mean come on it has the word vegetable in it, how could it not be healthy. Well you’re about to find out how we have all been duped because these oils are the opposite of anything nutritious, they are downright toxic. To be clear when I say vegetable oil I am referring to multiple types of oil including: vegetable oil, canola oil, soy oil, sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, corn oil, grapeseed oil, safflower oil, and non-butter spreads (margarine, Crisco, any so-called trans-free spreads).

Where does vegetable oil come from?

Vegetable oil is the lipid extracted from corn, safflower, soy, canola, cottonseed, rice bran, and grapeseed. While it is true that the seeds, these oils are made from, contain healthy PUFAs and antioxidants to help protect against oxidation. Unfortunately, however, refining these oils destroys both healthy PUFAs and their complementary antioxidants. Converting them into distorted, unhealthy molecules that are very similar to trans-unsaturated fatty acids (Trans fat). These oils can be found in almost all ready-made foods, from granola, soft baked goods, rice and soy milk, vegetarian cheese and meat substitutes, to frozen meals, and even salad dressing some of which say olive oil on the front label.

“Scientific discoveries that are incompatable with commercial interests have a tough time making it to the papers”

–           Catherine Shanahan, M.D.

Gerhard Spiteller, Shows Us that Vegetable Oils Increase Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

Vegetable oils have been associated with an increased risk of Cardiovascular (heart) disease.1 This is vital information that you and many others have probably never heard about. This has been shown by a brilliant Austrian lipid scientist, Gerhard Spiteller.2 He had been quietly finding the underlying cause of the role of fats in heart attacks for nearly half a century, until his death in April 2017. He was the lead author of more than 130 published scientific articles. In this meticulously researched article,3 published in 2000, he points us in the right direction. He makes the case that it is processed polyunsaturated fats (found in vegetable oils), not saturated fats or cholesterol, that deserve the blame for the stiffening of arteries throughout the body.

The Major Problem with these Oils

Oxidation, also known as “biological rusting”, is the main problem with these oils. Vegetable oils are prone to oxidation because their high amounts of polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs). PUFAs have two or more double bonds. Linoleic acid and Alphaa Linolenic acid are two of the most common PUFAs found in canola oil and other vegetable oils. If a fatty acid, such as linolenic acid, has two double bonds near one another. This results in, these molecules becomes highly susceptible to attack by oxygen (oxidation). This oxidation is increased by the heat, seen with processing and cooking. The more double bonds that are near one another the more vulnerable the fatty acid is to oxidation. Alpha linolenic has three double bonds making it extremely susceptible to oxidation.

Vegetable Oils, are they Worse than Trans-fat?

These oxidized PUFAs are very similar to Trans-fats, except worse because they can reproduce inside you. Free radicals, high energy electrons that are involved in every known major disease. They cause disease by restructuring nearly every molecule they encounter, converting functioning molecules into dysfunctional or even toxic molecules. By using these free radicals, mutated PUFAs have the ability to convert normal fatty acids into fellow mutated fatty acids at a rate of billions per second.4 This causes chronic levels of inflammation throughout the body, which negatively affects every aspect of your health.5 Next week, we’ll discuss how vegetable oils attacks the brain at seven distinct vulnerability points, making them your brain’s worst enemy.

  4. Mastugo et al, Current medicinal chemistry, 1996. Vol. 2, no. 4, Bentham Science Publishers, page 764, subheading The Chemistry of free radicals and biological substrates, Table 1, Reaction rate constants of hydroxyl radical with organic compounds

Fact of the week

 Chemical analysis has shown that even bottles of organic, expeller-pressed canola oil (rapeseed oil). Contain as much as 5 percent trans fats, plus cyclic hydrocarbons (carcinogens) and oxyphytosterols (highly damaging to arteries).10

The Canola industry goes to great lengths to present their products as “heart healthy”, and the American Heart Association play right along. They claim that canola oil is rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 essential fats. Which there is little truth behind, because omega-3’s are PUFAs. This means, just like omega-6’s, they can be easily distorted when exposed to heat. This is increased by the fact that omega-3s have three places for oxygen to react, making it really, really reactive. Rapeseed oils still in the rapeseed may indeed be full of omega-3s, but factory pressed rapeseed oil (canola oil) contains mutated, oxidized, heat-damaged versions of these once-healthy fats.
