Baru Nuts, The Next “Superfood?”

If you haven’t heard of them yet, get ready to. Within the category of nuts and seeds, the baru nut is on the fast track to becoming, in future years, the next big superfood. Though as of today, hardly anyone knows what a baru nut even is! Also called the baru almond, this legume comes from the Dipteryx alata tree (Baru tree), a native species of the Brazilian Savanna.  They’re only found within very specific climates of South America; the Cerrado savannah in Brazil and parts of Bolivia.

What Makes It a Superfood

Superfoods, such as the baru nut,1 have a greater nutritional profile beyond what is normally found in a food and seemingly promote greater health and wellness. Every 100 grams of Baru nuts contain:2

  • 24 gram of protein
  • 3 grams of fiber (100% of DV)
  • 4 grams of Vitamin E (%100 of DV)
  • 7 mg of Zinc/2.6 mg of Iron/150 mg of Calcium/228 mg of Magnesium/1575 mg of Potassium

Nutrient Rich

They are nutritional powerhouses that provide a unique, dense mix of plant chemicals and nutrients including antioxidants, polyphenols, phytochemicals, omega-3, vitamins, and essential minerals.

Antioxidants and Protein

Baru nuts are rich in antioxidants, primarily tocopherols,3 and more protein (86% relative nut protein ratio) than cashews (78%), peanuts (72%) and pequi almonds (54%). Importantly, the protein in Baru nuts is an easily digestible protein. On the protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS), which gives rankings from 0-1, Baru nut’s protein ranks at .91 meaning it provides protein that is easily available for the body to use.

Other Nutrients

Baru nuts have also been analyzed to contain fiber, good fats, and high levels of iron, zinc, and fiber. These nuts contain a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids, with the two main ones being oleic and linoleic acid.3 Compared to more popular nuts like pecans, almonds and macadamia nuts, they are lower in fat (26% fat vs 78% for almonds).

Less Mold Issues Than Peanuts, But Watch for Anti-nutrients

Plus, baru nuts do not have the aflatoxins and mold issues commonly associated with peanut allergies. Like many raw nuts and seeds, baru nuts have anti-nutrients, including phytic acid, that are removed by roasting. Roasting also improves the flavor and unlocks additional nutrients for the body. Soaking have currently not been proven to have the same effect, so roasting is preferred.

Yeah, that’s great and all, but what does a Baru nut taste like?

When roasted many describe them as a delicious mix between peanuts and cashew.


Recipe Of the Week

The Incredible Baru Nut


  • 1 Kg of Roasted Baru Nuts (2.2 lbs)
