How is the Nature of Water Related to the Circulation of Blood in the Human body?

Well, it all starts with what we were taught back in science class. Which is that matter exists in three states: solid, liquid, and gas. Every substance, depending upon the conditions it is placed, exists in one these states, and that these are all the possible states that exist.  However, what if these were not the only states that a substance could exit? This is where the nature of water is important to understand for if you think of water you may find that it exhibits properties that seem to defy this three-state model.

How Water Defies the Normal Three-State Model

Many have learned that as a substance moves from a gas to liquid to solid, the molecules get closer together and the substance becomes denser. Meaning, the volume of a given liquid substance is heavier than an equivalent volume of the same substance in its gaseous state, and the solid is denser and heavier still than the liquid. This is almost always true, take for example, liquid mercury.  Liquid mercury is heavier than gaseous mercury, and solid mercury sinks in liquid mercury because it is denser and heavier. But if we look at water this is not the case. Only with water does the solid phase (ice) float on the liquid phase water. If ice (solid water) were heavier than water (liquid water) than it would sink. So why doesn’t ice sink? To answer this we need to look at something we have all witnessed, often referred to as surface tension.1

What is Surface Tension?

Surface tension is the surprising and unusual tendency of the top layer of a body of water to be extremely “thick” or “strong.” Most scientific explanations say that this phenomenon is because the interface between the air and the water produces a force that changes the molecular configuration of the topmost 3-4 molecular layers of water so that it becomes “more dense.” 3-4 molecular layers is about the thickness of the closest together you can hold your thumb and index finger divided by a million. How is it possible for us to water-ski or skip heavy rocks across such a thin layer? And, what is meant by “changed molecular configuration” of this denser water? Is it water or not? If it’s not than what do we call it?

Dr. Gerald Pollack & “The Fourth Phase of Water”

This is where Dr. Gerald Pollack,2 a researcher and professor of bio-engineering at the University of Washington, steps in. He has been investigating the unusual behaviors of water and what has often been referred to as the fourth phase of water. Yes, you read that right, Pollack has found that water exists in not three but four “phases.” This fourth phase is an intermediary between waters liquid and solid phases. Pollack refers to this fourth phase as the “exclusion zone” or “exclusion layer,” but other names include the colloidal phase, gel phase, or structured water. In his book, The Fourth Phase of Water,3 he describes how structured water forms.  Any time you have a hydrophilic surface4 such as gelatin or nafion (a plastic) and you put it in water, a zone of structured water will form. This zone is also sometimes referred to as the exclusion zone (EZ) because it excludes toxins, solutes, and other substances. The thickness of the structured water depends on the charge on the surface of the hydrophilic substance. The ability of highly hydrophilic substances, especially proteins, to structure water is central to biological life. If fact the majority of water in biological systems, including in cells, is in the form of structured water. The cytoplasm of our cells is in a gel-like state (structured water) because of the network of hydrophilic proteins that make up the interior framework of the cell.

Interesting Properties of Structured Water

There are multiple interesting properties of the structured water that forms when adjacent to a hydrophilic surface. These include increased viscosity compared to bulk water. This layer is also negatively charged as a result of having an abundance of free electrons. Which can be shown by placing a voltage meter in the structured zone and comparing the measurement against the bulk water (liquid) zone.5 The pH of the exclusion zone water is also different from that of the bulk water, which can be confirmed by careful pH measurements.6 An important physical difference between structured water and bulk water is that the molecular configuration of the structured water is more dense than the bulk water.7 More important, however, is that, simply as a result of a hydrophilic surface being placed in bulk water – with essentially no outside inputs – a layer of structured water forms next to the hydrophilic surface.

A Hydrophilic Tube & An Energy Source

How does this relate to the circulation of blood in our bodies? Don’t fret I’m getting there and the next step is a crucial one if we are going to understand circulation. If you take a hydrophilic surface and roll it up into a tube, you produce a hydrophilic tube with a layer of structured water lining the inside of the tube. Within this tube something amazing happens. As a result of the separation of electrical charges the bulk water will begin to flow from one end of the tube to the other.8 This flow would be indefinite, unless it were acted upon by a force that stops it. This is significant because it means that all you need to get water to flow is to put a hydrophilic tube in a pot of water. However there is a catch if you do the above experiment in a completely lead-encased box, there is no flow within the hydrophilic tube.9 What is the problem? Why did the flow stop? The answer, It is lacking an energy source. What is the energy source that drives this, mainly sunlight for it is the most powerful. But, other sources include infrared frequencies coming from the palms of your hands and the electromagnetic field of the earth. This “Nature of Water” relates to circulation because our blood vessels and smaller venules are, that’s right, hydrophilic tubes.

An Image of How Our Blood Circulates

It is easier to now imagine how blood flows in our arteries and veins. If we start at the exact place and moment where the blood in the vast network of capillaries has stopped, the gases and nutrients have been exchanged, and the waste products have been picked up. The blood now needs to flow upward, converging into larger and larger vessels until the venous blood (blood returning to the heart) reaches its destination of the heart. The small venules are extremely narrow hydrophilic tubes; they are exposed to sunlight (or another energy source previously discussed). As a result they forma tubular layer of structured water on the inside of the venules. At the center of this layer of structured water is the positively charged bulk water. This causes the blood to move upward, going faster and faster as the momentum increases. There are also, of course, some other small contributions to this upward movement such as the squeezing of the muscles of the legs and arms. As well as, valves that keep the blood from succumbing to gravity if there are weak moments in flow. But the critical revelation from this is as Dr. Cowan puts it:10

“This system of hydrophilic tubes energized by the ambient sunlight, Earth energy, and the infrared wavelengths emanating from other living beings is really all that is needed in any biological system for the maintenance of abundant, robust, perpetual flow.”

  1. https:/